
The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure Review – The Real Truth About Vic Magary’s Program

The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure Review - The Real Truth About Vic Magary’s Program

The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure is a fitness and nutrition program that’s creating a lot of buzz in the fitness world. Because of the popularity, this program even got featured on popular media outlets like, The New York Times and NBC. And that’s the reason we decided to do a review of this product.

In this 31 Day Fat Loss Cure Review, we’re going to provide you with all the facts about this program without any hype and false promises. After reading this review you should be in a position to decide if this program is for you or not.

What Exactly Is 31 Day Fat Loss Cure All About?

This fat loss program has been developed by Vic Magary, a former US Army solder and a skilled trainer. This program provides a workout plan along with a diet plan for losing belly fat in 31 days without using any expensive equipment or gym.

Apparently the program includes five 31 day strategies so that most people can get results by following one of the five strategies that suits them well. And it seems this program works well for both men and women.

According to Vic Magary, there are some little known exercises that can help you to burn 9 times more fat than the long and slow cardio exercises.

Also it seems processed food is one of the main reasons for obesity and Vic’s program provides a natural diet plan that helps to get rid of belly fat without starving.

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With so many weight loss programs in the market, all claiming to help lose belly fat, the real question is – what’s different in this program that helps you get effective results.

What’s Special About This Program?

What’s Special About This Program?

  • According to Vic, this program provides you videos that show you the exact exercises that help you to burn fat in the most effective way in the least possible time without using expensive workout equipment or a gymnasium.
  • It seems you can just use your bodyweight to perform the strength training exercises. For high intensity interval training the program provides a list of exercises that are amongst the best for melting fat from the belly, love handles and midsection.
  • This program provides a diet plan which includes food items that you can eat safely without counting calories or eating ridiculously small portions. Included in the diet plan is a list of food items that you should avoid at any cost.
  • It seems the diet plan is so simple to follow that even people who are busy or people who eat in restaurants can follow the diet plan.

The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure Review – The Pros

  • This program provides two levels of fitness workouts – the beginner and the advanced level. The beginner bodyweight program is specifically for those who are new to exercising. The beginner level exercises are simple and easy to do.
  • The advanced bodyweight program has more challenging routines and is meant for people who already have some experience with exercises.
  • Beginners can start slow and then move on to the more rigorous exercise routines.
  • For the experienced individuals this program allows them to step up their exercise level and do the challenging routines following the advanced bodyweight program.
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The Cons

  • Unlike many other diets that recommend whole grain food items as healthy foods, the 31 day diet plan advices you to stay away from items like bread, rice, pasta, whole grain etc. Some people may find it difficult to stay away from these food items.
  • The program also strictly advices against consumption of alcohol. For people who attend social events and parties it may be difficult to stay away from alcohol.
  • Because this product has been developed by an ex army person, some of the exercises included in the program are difficult. The difficult exercises will require some practice and hard work before you can do it with ease.

Is There Any Feedback / Reviews From The Users Of This Program?

After searching the net for some real user feedback, following are the comments from few of the users

  • According to few users of this program, not only does the program provide workouts for fat loss but also know how to get a lean and muscular six pack abs. It seems one can easily eliminate the love handles and get a flat stomach.
  • User Kevin said – This exercise and diet plan is great, onto second week and still losing weight and building fitness. I’ve never actually seen my body weight go down so very fast, thanks for all those supportive mails, tips and ideas.
  • Another user Jeff felt that this program offered a no-nonsense approach to weightloss that has helped him lose almost 70 pounds over a 7 month period.
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The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure Review – Conclusions

  • Not only does the 31 day fat loss cure program provide information for getting rid of belly fat, but it also teaches you the healthy way to eat and stay fit for long.
  • Of course the program requires you to put hard work and invest some time for getting good results. Therefore it goes without saying that only people who’re serious about losing fat and getting a lean and muscular body should be investing in this program.
  • This program comes with 60 days money back guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied with the program you can always get a refund without any questions being asked.

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