
Cellulite Factor Review – Does Dr. Charles Livingston’s System Work?

Cellulite Factor Review - Does Dr. Charles Livingston’s System Work?

Like many other women, if you are struggling to get rid of the unsightly, lumpy cellulite deposits beneath the skin, then Cellulite Factor System by Dr. Charles Livingston may be of interest to you.

The Cellulite Factor System by Dr. Charles Livingston has created a lot of buzz in the health and fitness world.

It seems that this system helps you to permanently get rid of ugly cellulite deposits using a unique and inexpensive approach.

According to Dr. Charles, there are several factors that contribute towards development of cellulite in women like – lifestyle, diet, elasticity in the skin, circulatory system issues, genetics and hormonal imbalances.

And it seems the Cellulite Factor System helps in correcting many of these factors.

To get a better understanding of this system and how it can help women overcome the problem of cellulite, we decided to do a detailed review.

After reading this review you should be in a position to decide if it is worth buying the Cellulite Factor System.

Cellulite Factor Review – About The Author

  • The creator of this system, Dr. Charles Livingston is a prominent chiropractic physician, well respected weight loss dietitian and also a nutrition consultant.
  • It seems Dr. Charles helps people to get a lean and healthy body by bringing about hormonal balance, detoxification, improving blood circulation, reduce fluid retention, eliminating certain foods that cause cellulite and eating foods that are beneficial to the body.
  • It seems exercises and muscle building is also important for getting a lean and healthy body as per Dr. Charles.
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What Exactly Does The Cellulite Factor System Offer?

What Exactly Does The Cellulite Factor System Offer?

The main book in this program comprises of more than 100 pages.

  • The first half of the book provides you details about – What is cellulite, myths and facts about cellulite, the damage that crash diets can cause and eating to get rid of cellulite.
  • The second half of the book provides details about – useful supplements, the coffee grind wrap method, the 5 step process for eliminating cellulite forever and how to maintain your body cellulite free for the rest of your life.
  • The book focuses more on the elimination of toxins from the body, as it is believed to be one of the main causes of cellulite build up in the body, particularly in the stomach area.

Additional Bonuses

  • In order to help you implement the methods described in this system, Dr. Charles Livingston offers the following bonus books:
  • Comprehensive Grocery List: With this list you can shop for healthy food items that help in eliminating cellulite.
  • Daily Meal Plan Booklet: By following a healthy meal plan you should able to reduce fat and build muscle.
  • Food And Exercise Journal: Along with diet you will have to follow an exercise regiment to get the best results.
  • A 50 Page Recipes Book: The recipe book will help you to make delicious food items without starving or avoiding your favorite ingredients.
  • Toxin Avoidance Handbook: Removing toxins from your body is an essential step in cellulite elimination process and this handbook would come in handy.
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Pros of Cellulite Factor System

  • This program provides a scientific, fact based approach for getting rid of cellulite and fat loss.
  • Not only will you eliminate cellulite but also reduce fat and get healthy & lean body.
  • You will not have to invest in any fancy equipment, pre made meals or the special diet shakes.
  • There is no surgery or use of any harmful cream. The program focuses on cleansing of internal body and the lymph system in particular.

Cons of Cellulite Factor System

  • One of aspects where additional focus can be beneficial is physical exercises.
  • The Cellulite Factor System requires lifestyle and dietary changes. This may not suit people who have always had a sedentary lifestyle.
  • The second factor to keep in mind is that you will not see results overnight. You have to be patient and follow the steps for couple of weeks before you start to see the results.

Cellulite Factor Review Conclusions

  • After a detailed analysis of this product along and study of various customer testimonials, this product appears to be a decent one. However don’t expect miracles to happen with this product. Like with any other cellulite treatment process, results cannot be guaranteed.
  • Since the product comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, you don’t lose anything for trying out the system risk free.
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