
How to Get Fit At Home Without Gym

How to Get Fit At Home Without Gym

We live in a competitive world where everyone is constantly on the run! They do not have the time to spend time with their families and friends. Amidst all the work, you forget taking care of your body. Your body should be your temple. You should worship it and take special care of it. Since nobody has the time to go to the gym, it becomes difficult to maintain your body.

Working out is important for your body! Yes, diet will help you to lose weight but in order to get fit and toned, you must exercise. There could be many reasons as to why you are not joining the gym. Some people are too shy to work out in front of other people. There are some individuals, who do not have the money to pay for the membership. Some people do not live in vicinity where there is a gym!

The question is – How to make body fit without gym?

You would be glad to know that there are multiple exercises which help you to get fit at home!

How to get in shape in one week? Well, we have some effective ways to become fit and fabulous without going to the gym!

Here is a quick post for you which cover the different exercises to get fit at home. If you are not fond of exercising, we have listed some simple ways to drop few pounds. Let us take a look at the easy-to-do home exercises.

Bodyweight Exercises work like a CHARM!

How to get fit at home without equipment?

It is possible! Bodyweight exercises require your own body weight and there is no equipment needed for these types of exercises. These exercises includ:

  1. Push ups – This may be difficult for the beginners. It is the best way to get fit and lose weight. If you combine it with other workouts like jumping jacks, mountain climbers, walking lunges and squats then you will lose a lot of weight in few months.
  2. Squat Jump – Combine the squat and jump up in the air once you do it. This increases your heart rate and you get an excellent workout. You will burn many calories with this easy yet effective workout. Do 4 sets of 10 jump squats.
  3. Lunges – Lunges are great for your legs and thighs. We love the walking lunges version because it is much more effective.
  4. Jumping jacks – Jump and conquer the world! Jumping jacks help you to lose a lot of weight. Start with 50 jumping jacks and then, once you are used to it, you will start doing 100 in a day! Do 15 jumping jacks in a go and then take a 10 second break.
  5. Squats – Squats can help you to get an excellent buttock and it also helps your thighs and legs to shape up. Do 3 sets of 15 squats. Take a 10 second break after each set. You may get a stinging pain in your legs and buttocks the next day. Continue doing these workouts because it is an effective one!
  6. Plank – Hold the plank position for 30 seconds. If you can hold it for 60 seconds, it will be great. Start with 30 seconds. Make sure you get the posture right.
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The good part about these exercises is that you can do it at home or even during lunch hours in your office. What is your excuse? If you wish to get fit, you must include the above-mentioned exercises in your routine. We would suggest you to follow the exercises 4-5 times in a week. Exercise for fit body at home and see the results yourself! You would be able to see the visible change within 2 weeks.

Aerobic Activities to Lose Weight

  1. Walking helps you to lose weight. However, you need to walk at a faster pace. Start by walking and then you would be able to start jogging as well.
  2. Jogging – Once you get used to walking at a fast pace, you can jog for 2 minutes and then walk. Walk for 4 minutes and then jog for 2 minutes. Continue this pattern for at least 20-25 minutes. If you include this schedule in a day, you would be able to lose weight without any equipment.
  3. How to make body fit for man? A man must do cycling whenever he finds time. In fact you can take out 40 minutes in the morning to take your cycle for a ride! This will give you stronger and toned legs!
  4. If the same old question is going on in your mind – How to get fit in 2 weeks for guys? You must take dancing lessons. There is a dance form known as Zumba. You do not have to join special classes for this. You can come back home from office and find several Zumba videos on YouTube. You would be glad to know that YouTube has a lot of treasure for weight-watchers! Speaking of dancing, you can also try Tiffany Rothe workouts on YouTube. These dance workouts help you to get fit and fabulous within few weeks! You get to see the change in just 1 week. It is true! You will thank us later because the workouts really help you to shape up at home.
  5. How to get in shape in 2 weeks for soccer? Soccer players need to be in shape for playing the game efficiently. You must walk vigorously and jog at an obstacle course. Make sure you take long steps while walking. You must run regularly to increase your stamina. Since you are a soccer player, you must stretch your muscles and run every single day for 2 weeks. Doing strength training is extremely important for you!
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How to get fit without exercise?

There are some people, who just cannot move from the bed and workout. You may be busy or committing to a workout schedule seems too much for you! How to be fit in 1 week without exercise? You can take your dog for a walk. You can take someone else’s dog for a walk.

Extreme diets are not going to help you on a long run. Most people look for shortcuts and they opt for GM diet. The GM Diet is a 7 day plan which helps you to lose weight without any efforts. You can do it for a week for a special event but it cannot be a part of your lifestyle forever. You need to make realistic goals! How about climbing stairs or walking till your office? Start your day with a cup of warm green tea. You could even drink lukewarm water with a dash of lemon.

Bid adieu to junk food and fizzy drinks. Intake of alcohol can also make you gain weight! It is time to lead a healthy lifestyle! Follow the above-mentioned tips and exercises and we are sure that you would reach your goal! Did you find this post useful? If the answer is a YES, then show us some love by liking the post.

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